Asia-Pacific experts gather in Shanghai to promote the progress of typhoon science and technology

Author: AP-TCRC


The 6th Working Meeting of the UNESCAP/WMO/Typhoon Committee (TC) Working Group on Meteorology (WGM) with the theme of "New techniques—Challenge and Opportunity of Typhoon Early Warnings for All" was held in Shanghai, China from 31 October to 2 November 2023, hosted by the Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center (AP-TCRC) as Local Organization Committee (LOC), the meeting attracted experts and scholars from 11 members of the Typhoon Committee to participate in the meeting.


The opening ceremony was launched on the morning of October 31. ZENG Qin, Director of the International Department of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA), FENG Lei, Director of the Shanghai Meteorological ServiceSMS, DUAN Yihong, Secretary General of the Typhoon Committee(TC), and YU Jun, Deputy Director of the Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), delivered speeches, jointly indicating that they would actively promote domestic and international typhoon research and do a good job in global Early Warnings for All.


The meeting led to three new projects, of which China will lead a study on the impact of typhoons on Asia-Pacific countries in the context of climate change, Hong Kong, China, will lead a study on the application of artificial intelligence technology to typhoon forecasting. Experts and scholars from China, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Laos, Macao, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, the United States of America and Vietnam presented their experiences and achievements in the field of typhoon prevention and mitigation, and indicated that they would actively strengthen international cooperation to promote the prosperity and progress of typhoon science and technology in the Asia-Pacific region.


The meeting also discussed the annual plan and reviewed the scientific and technological progress and outstanding contributions of Asia-Pacific countries in the field of typhoon prevention and mitigation in 2023. Participants fully considered the current situation and development needs of their countries and the Asia-Pacific region in typhoon prevention and mitigation and proposed relevant motions, which are of great significance in promoting the development of typhoon prevention and mitigation in the Asia-Pacific region.


On November 2, the delegates went to Lingang Special Area to investigate China's technology for typhoon prevention and mitigation, fully affirmed China's achievements in typhoon prevention and mitigation, and indicated that they would continue to strengthen cooperation and exchanges with China in the field of climate, and to explore new ideas and methods of typhoon prevention and mitigation science and technology in the Asia-Pacific region.


This meeting provides an important exchange platform for the Asia-Pacific region's work on typhoon prevention and mitigation and responds positively to the multi-hazard early warning actions for all proposed by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization, which will further promote greater progress in the Asia-Pacific region's work on typhoon prevention and mitigation, and provide a stronger guarantee of the safety of people's lives and property.On November 25, 2023, the second council meeting was successfully convened, approved the center's three-year action plan. In line with this plan, the focus will be on addressing critical scientific challenges in current typhoon prevention and to engage top scientists globally, fostering collaboration to enhance typhoon forecast and early warning.


According to the three-year action plan, the research center will focus on the current technical and scientific issues in typhoon prevention and disaster reduction, organize top scientists from countries in the Asia-Pacific region and around the world to participate in the joint research on key scientific problems in typhoon forecasting, provide operational technology demonstration of typhoon prevention and disaster reduction for the Asia-Pacific and the world. The meeting also considered and passed the Work Progress Report for 2022-2023 and Work Plan for 2024 of the AP-TCRC, and discussed the key work for the next phase.


On behalf of the Governing Board, WANG Weiren fully recognized the achievements of the AP-TCRC over the past year and thanked all parties for their strong support to the work of the Center. He said that the Governing Board would continue to support the AP-TCRC to grow stronger and stronger, and make efforts to promote it to become the most authoritative institution in the Asia-Pacific region and even in the global typhoon community, representing Shanghai and the country, and participating in global cooperation and competition. He emphasized that the AP-TCRC should strengthen its capacity building based on the solid foundation of typhoon research, continue to accelerate the improvement of its work, aim at the highest global standards, and cultivate its internal strengths; it should rely on the new situation and environment and new opportunities, and enhance its international cooperation capacity and influence based on the characteristics of new R&D institutes; it should be based in Shanghai, focus on breaking through the key technologies of typhoon forecasting and typhoon disaster prevention and mitigation, and accelerate the enhancement of the transformation capacity of scientific and technological fruits. We will focus on breaking through key technologies of typhoon forecasting and typhoon prevention and disaster reduction based on Shanghai, and accelerate the improvement of scientific and technological achievements. Council President, Vice President of the Council, and the Member of Council were present at the meeting.