The Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center 2024 First Half-Year Recruitment Announcement for Scientific and Technical Personnel


The Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center (AP-TCRC) is a newly established international joint typhoon research unit, located in the Lingang Special Area of Shanghai, China. It is supported by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (the ESCAP)/WMO Typhoon Committee (the Committee) and hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Government of China and the China Meteorological Administration. It is a new type of research and development institution organized by the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission. It is also the only international typhoon joint research professional institution in the world at present.

The AP-TCRC aims to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation with the Committee and other related international organizations. It provides a sustainable platform for conducting collaborative research on advanced sciences and key techniques in typhoon monitoring, typhoon forecasting and modelling, and typhoon associated disaster prevention and mitigation. In addition, the AP-TCRC actively relies on the Asia-Pacific Typhoon Committee to carry out technical training, academic journals, and international typhoon forums in the field of typhoons.

 In order to widely recruit high-level meteorological talents and enhance the ability to serve the development of Shanghai, we are now recruiting scientific and technical personnel from both domestic and international sources. The specific announcement is as follows:

I. Recruitment Positions

1. Asia-Pacific Distinguished Scholar;

2. Asia-Pacific Elite Scholar;

3. Asia-Pacific Young Scholar;

4. System Development Engineer

5. Big Data Analysis Engineer. (For details, see Attachment 2)


II. Basic Conditions and Requirements

 1.Comply with national laws and regulations, and have a passion for the scientific research career;

2.Fields of study include Meteorology, Oceanography, Computer Science, Electronic Information, Remote Sensing, Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, or related interdisciplinary fields;

3.Hold a full-time master's degree or above;

4.Possess good professional ethics and a dedicated spirit, a solid work style, and a good team cooperation spirit, maintain scientific integrity, rigorous scholarship, uphold academic conscience, and adhere to academic standards.

III. Position Requirements

(I) Asia-Pacific Distinguished Scholar

1.Application Requirements

(1) Hold a doctoral degree, and in principle, be under the age of 60 (as of July 1, 2024). For exceptionally qualified candidates, the age limit may be waived;

(2) Reach the level of excellent academic backbone in senior professional and technical positions at first-class research institutes and universities both domestically and internationally;

(3) Overseas applicants should have at least 3 consecutive years (inclusive) of research experience in well-known overseas research institutions, universities, or large enterprise R&D institutions after obtaining their doctoral degree;

(4) Domestic applicants should have at least 5 years (inclusive) of research experience in well-known research institutions, universities, or large enterprise R&D institutions after obtaining their doctoral degree, or have experience serving in a professorship or equivalent position, with experience in leading national-level (inclusive) scientific research projects (topics).

2. Main Responsibilities

(1) Within the scope of the Research Guidebook of the AP-TCRC (Attachment 3), lead a team to carry out research tasks;

(2) Take the lead or play a key role in the declaration and research of various scientific research projects;

(3) Undertake other academic work as required by the actual needs of the AP-TCRC.

(II) Asia-Pacific Elite Scholar

1.Application Requirements

(1) Hold a doctoral degree, and in principle, be under the age of 45 (as of July 1, 2024);

(2) Reach the level of excellent academic backbone in associate senior (inclusive) or above professional and technical positions at first-class research institutes and universities both domestically and internationally;

(3) Priority will be given to those with experience in leading national-level scientific research projects (topics).

2.Main Responsibilities

(1) Conduct relevant research tasks within the scope of the Research Guidebook of the AP-TCRC

 (Attachment 3);

(2) Lead or participate in various scientific research projects;

(3) Undertake other academic work as required by the actual needs of the AP-TCRC.

(III) Asia-Pacific Young Scholar

1.Application Requirements

(1) Hold a full-time doctoral degree in related fields such as Meteorology, Oceanography, Physics, and Mechanics, or a full-time master's degree (inclusive) or above in related fields such as Computer Science, Remote Sensing, Electronics, Applied Mathematics, etc., and in principle, be under the age of 40 (as of July 1, 2024);

(2) Experience in leading provincial or ministerial level (inclusive) scientific research projects (topics) is preferred, or those with research or business work experience in the meteorological field will be given priority.

2.Main Responsibilities

(1) Conduct research tasks within the scope of the research direction guidelines of the Research Guidebook of the AP-TCRC (Attachment 3);

(2) Lead or participate in various scientific research projects;

(3) Undertake other academic work as required by the actual needs of the AP-TCRC.

(IV) System Development Engineer

1.Application Requirements

(1) Have a background in related fields such as Meteorology, Oceanography, Geographic Information Systems, Applied Mathematics, Software Engineering, or Computer Science, and hold a full-time master's degree (inclusive) or above, with the principle that the age should not exceed 40 years old (as of July 1, 2024);

(2) Experience in participating in provincial-level (inclusive) or above scientific research projects (topics) is preferred, or experience in software development related to meteorology, oceanography, disaster, geographic information and other related industries is preferred.

2.Main Responsibilities

(1) Participate in the research and development of typhoon-ocean meteorological business systems, construction and maintenance of business system software, etc.;

(2) Participate in the application, initiation, and execution of various scientific research projects;

(3) Undertake other academic work as required by the actual needs of the AP-TCRC.

(V.) Big Data Analysis Engineer

1.Application Requirements

(1) Candidates should have a background in meteorology, oceanography, applied mathematics, software engineering, or computer science and hold a full-time master's degree (inclusive) or above. In principle, the age should not exceed 40 years old (as of July 1, 2024);

(2) Priority will be given to those with experience in participating in provincial-level (inclusive) or above scientific research projects (topics), or those with development experience in related industries such as meteorology and disaster prevention.

2.Main Responsibilities

(1) Conduct research on the application of artificial intelligence in typhoon impact forecasting, risk warning, and response strategies, as well as in urban meteorological services, and engage in product development and business system construction;

(2) Participate in the declaration and execution of various scientific research projects;

(3) Undertake other tasks as required by the actual work needs of the AP-TCRC.

IV. Recruitment Procedure

(I) Announcement.

In accordance with the "The AP-TCRC 2024 First Half-Year Recruitment Announcement for Scientific and Technical Personnel", the recruitment positions, application requirements, and recruitment procedures will be announced through the website and official WeChat account.


Applications should be submitted via email. Applicants should send their application materials to the email address ([email protected]) by June 30, 2024 (the time of the application email will be the standard, and interviews and hiring will be carried out in batches according to the application time). The materials to be provided include: the "The AP-TCRC Recruitment Application Form" (see Attachment 1), resume, diploma, degree certificate, professional technical qualification certificate, papers, achievements, and other relevant certification materials.

(III)Qualification Review.

Based on the materials submitted by the applicants, a verification and review will be conducted to determine if they meet the eligibility criteria for the position. Those who do not meet the criteria will have their applications canceled; those who do will be notified by phone to participate in the examination after approval.

(IV)Organization of Assessment.

The examination will take the form of an interview, with a written test component added if necessary. Applicants should bring their personal identification documents to the interview. Depending on the distance, applicants may apply for an online examination.

(V)Announcement of Results.

Based on the interview results, candidates who will proceed to the physical examination and assessment phase will be determined, and the results will be notified through email or other means. 

(VI)Physical Examination and Assessment.

Shortlisted candidates must undergo a physical examination at a designated third-tier hospital within the specified time and provide proof of a qualified health examination. For those who pass the physical examination, the AP-TCRC will organize an assessment, mainly focusing on basic qualities and work capability.

(VII)Public Notice.

Based on the results of the examination, physical examination, and assessment, the AP-TCRC will determine the candidates to be employed, and the basic information of the candidates and the positions they are intended to fill will be publicly announced.

(VIII)Employment Procedures.

For those who have passed the qualification review, physical examination, and have no objections during the public notice period, the organization will sign an employment (labor) contract and handle the recruitment procedures.

V. Remuneration

The remuneration is based on the salary system plan approved by the AP-TCRC's Board of Directors, offering a competitive salary that is not lower than that of first-class universities and research institutes in China and is competitive internationally. The specific terms are negotiable and determined by the AP-TCRC on a case-by-case basis. Depending on relevant policies and individual circumstances, eligible talents may enjoy benefits such as talent, tax, housing, children's education, and medical treatment provided by Shanghai and the Lingang Special Area.

VI. Disciplinary Requirements

The recruitment work must strictly adhere to the principles of "openness, equality, competition, and meritocracy". It should be conducted in accordance with policy regulations, qualification standards, and procedural requirements, with strict control and discipline. The recruitment process must resolutely eliminate and prevent any malpractices such as falsification and nepotism, and it should be open to supervision by relevant departments and the public. Those who violate the work discipline, including applicants, staff, and other related personnel, will be held strictly accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

VII. Contact Information

Contact Person: Ms. Lin


Email[email protected]



1.The AP-TCRC Recruitment Application Form

2.AP-TCRC 2024 Job Recruitment Plan

3.Research Guidebook of the AP-TCRC




The Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center

May 17, 2024

Attachment 1 The AP-TCRC Recruitment Application Form.docx

Attachment 2 AP-TCRC 2024 Job Recruitment Plan.docx

Attachment 3 Research Guidebook of the AP-TCRC.docx