The 14th China-Korea Joint Workshop on Tropical Cyclones Successfully Held

Author: AP-TCRC


    On May 28, 2024, the 14th China-Korea Joint Workshop on Tropical Cyclones was successfully held in Shanghai. The Workshop was co-hosted by the China Meteorological Administration(CMA) and the Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA), and organized by the Shanghai Meteorological Service(SMS), the Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center (AP-TCRC) and the Shanghai Typhoon Institute(STI) of the China Meteorological Administration. Deputy Director LEI Xiaotu of the SMS attended the meeting and delivered a welcome speech, and Ms. Seonghee Won from the National Typhoon Center(NTC) of the KMA gave the opening address.

    The China-Korea Joint Workshop on Tropical Cyclones is a series of meetings under the framework of the China-Korea bilateral cooperation program, which has been held annually since 2008, alternately convened and hosted by the CMA and the KMA.

    The three-day event aimed to promote collaborative research and knowledge exchange in the prediction, analysis, and observation techniques of tropical cyclones. The opening ceremony was presided over by TANG Jie, Deputy Director of the STI, followed by a series of professional reports covering various topics from the latest improvements in typhoon forecast guidance to the application of ensemble forecasting algorithms in tropical cyclone ensemble predictions. Experts and scholars invited to the meeting exchanged and discussed the latest advancements in the field of typhoon research and forecasting, effectively advancing the implementation of the China-Korea bilateral exchange program, fostering cooperation between meteorological institutions of both countries, and enhancing the understanding and predictive capabilities of tropical cyclones.