Research on Climate Characterization and Sub-seasonal Prediction Techniques for Landfalling Typhoons in the Asia-Pacific Region(23DZ1204700)


The kick-off meeting of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission-approved project [Title: Research on Climate Characterization and Sub-seasonal Prediction Techniques for Landfalling Typhoons in the Asia-Pacific Region(23DZ1204700)] was successfully held on 12 January 2024. The meeting was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Typhoon Research Centre and attended by all project team members.


The opening ceremony was hosted by researcher YU Zifeng, project leader and deputy director of AP-TCRC. Many experts attended the meeting: WANG Wei, leader of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, LEI Xiaotu, Deputy Director of Shanghai Meteorological Service, and YANG Jie, Deputy Director of Science and Technology Department of Shanghai Meteorological Service attended the meeting. DUAN Yihong, Secretary General of the Typhoon Committee of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), WANG Yuan, Professor of Nanjing University, FEI Jianfang, Professor of the National University of Defense Technology, WANG Yuqing, Professor of the University of Hawaii, LIU Yimin and WU Liang, researchers of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, LV Xinyan, Senior Engineer of the National Meteorological Centre, WANG Guansuo, Senior Engineer of the East China Sea Disaster Prediction and Mitigation Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources, LI Yongping, Researcher of Shanghai Meteorological Service, and Dong Guangtao, Senior Engineer of the Shanghai Climate Centre.


At the kick-off meeting, WANG Wei, the leader of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, made a speech and introduced the background of the establishment of the project, while LEI Xiaotu, the deputy director of Shanghai Meteorological Service, and TANG Jie, the director of AP-TCRC, delivered welcoming remarks.


The project debriefing exchange was hosted by Professor Chan C·L Johnny. Scientific Director of the AP-TCRC. Researcher YU Zifeng, the project leader, reported the overall situation of the project.


The main tasks and subject leaders of the project reported in detail on the construction of the Asia-Pacific landfalling typhoon dataset, the analysis of typhoon ocean monitoring and data, the monitoring and assessment of Asia-Pacific landfalling typhoon activities in the context of global warming and the study of the future prediction, the mechanism of landfalling typhoon multi-scale activities in the context of global warming and the study of sub-seasonal variation characteristics and prediction techniques of the landfalling typhoon in Asia-Pacific. The consultants made targeted suggestions on the positioning of the tasks, routes and forms of results of the project, which provided valuable guidance for the smooth implementation of the project in the future.


In November 2023, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission-approved project [Title: Research on Climate Characterization and Sub-seasonal Prediction Techniques for Landfalling Typhoons in the Asia-Pacific Region(23DZ1204700)] was approved. This project is an important extension of China's landfalling typhoon research to the Asia-Pacific region, as well as an important application of typhoon research to sub-seasonal prediction. The project is divided into four topics, led by the Asia-Pacific Typhoon Research Centre, the East China Sea Forecasting and Disaster Reduction Centre of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Fudan University, and the Shanghai Typhoon Research Institute of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). A number of project team members also come from other research institutes, as well as international typhoon experts from the UK, Thailand and the Philippines.
