WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas visited AP-TCRC with high regard

Author: AP-TCRC


Recently, the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Petteri Taalas, and the Assistant Secretary General, ZHANG Wenjian, visited the AP-TCRC, and fully affirmed the progress made in the construction of it. Relevant leaders of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai Lingang Special Area Administrative Committee, International Cooperation Department of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and Shanghai Meteorological Service(SMS) accompanied the visit.


Petteri Taalas thanked Shanghai for its support of the Early Warnings for All initiative and highly appreciated the internationalized development of the meteorological industry in Shanghai. He believed that the AP-TCRC has played a key role in early warning and disaster prevention and mitigation by carrying out international joint research on typhoons from both weather and climate aspects, and hoped that it could further play a regional international synergy role to promote disaster prevention and mitigation and universal early warning initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region. During the visit and exchanges, the visitors agreed that since its establishment, the AP-TCRC has made positive progress in the organization of its personnel, international cooperation and scientific research, and expected it to achieve better results in serving social and economic development.


As the world's only international typhoon research institute, the AP-TCRC is committed to creating a new "template" for global typhoon scientific research cooperation, focusing on key technologies for typhoon forecasting and typhoon prevention and mitigation, as well as conducting international joint research.